-Eluze <elu...@gmail.com> writes:

> since version 2.15.23 vertical spacing of the last page has seriously
> improved!
> now I found that 
> \context Staff
> \repeat unfold 3 {
>   \repeat unfold 15 \relative {
>     c d e f
>   }
>   \pageBreak
> }
> results in a totally different horizontal spacing on the last page.
> any remedies?

\paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f }

> a bug?

No.  The vertical distances on the last page are harmonized to match the
previous pages.  Not the overall vertical space taken, and consequently
also not the horizontal stretch used for creating more lines.

> an ugliness?

Maybe.  I don't think we try harmonizing total horizontal stretch
between subsequent pages.  You can get a dense page followed by a loose
one.  It is just unlikely without forced breaks.

David Kastrup

bug-lilypond mailing list

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