On Sat, Apr 07, 2012 at 05:32:28PM +0200, Karol Majewski wrote:
> Is it possible to mark 2368 bug as critical? I think this kind of
> regression is a serious problem. Just take a look at my last
> comment:
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2368#c6

I agree with you that the notation output is not correct, especially
in the sample you provide in comment 6.

I'm going to do my best to explain why this issue should not be marked
critical. I hope that others will correct my statements as necessary.

You might not be aware that there are several open issues for Lilypond
that relate to the typesetting of ties and slurs. For example see
issue 298, referenced from issue 2368.


There are others.

As I understand it the development team have identified that a better
implementation of ties is possible but requires aesthetic design work
to establish how this feature should work before technical
implementation work can begin. The technical work may be substantial.

Janek has a study of Lilypond's typesetting of ties and slurs which is
work in progress and which may provide the aesthetic design we
need. He mentioned it in response to your original bug report:


So, in the meantime, I believe issues like 2368 and 298 are not being
marked as critical because they are considered to be outside the
feature set of Lilypond at this time.



Colin Hall

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