Comment #1 on issue 2042 by Enhancement request for new representation of augmented pitch name/designation

Despite my lack of metafont knowledge, I have started tweaking some of the glyphs:

Please note: That patch is not yet ready for review, it is simply to show some ideas, which need to be improved a lot!

That patch simply takes the digits 2, 4 and 5 of the feta font, stretches the one line that will be slashed, and adds a vertical box as a slash through it. These glyphs are not yet used by the figured bass formatting functions, but you can already use them via the musicglyph markup function. Attached is a simple test file showing the glyphs.

Some issues:
-) I have no idea how to properly implement the 6+ (the upper arc should have much less curvature and the slash is drawn through it. I would like the flare to have less turning angle, but with beta != +-90 it is no circle any more). -) Currently I place the slashes at more or less hardcoded positions and they are straight vertical. In particular for the 2 it might make sense to calculate the real intersection of the slash with the lower wavy line, so the slash is vertically centered. It might also be slanted to be perpendicular to the line it slashes through. Similarly, I'm not sure if the 5 should get a slightly slanted slash... -) I have no idea whether I should adjust the height of the boxes to include the slash.
-) etc.

It would be great if someone with more metafont knowledge could improve those issues.

Attachments:  483 bytes
        figured-bass-slashed-figures-test.preview.pdf  20.0 KB

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