Comment #2 on issue 2217 by Chord names collide with notes (vertical space missing on second line staff)

This is somewhat different from issue 2276, in that it depends having a rehearsal mark, and seems to depend on the first-line indent. It looks like interleaving is accounted differently in the placement of staves, than it is when the 'loose-lines' like Dynamics or ChordNames are put in position between the staves.

\paper { #(set-paper-size "a6")
  indent = 5\mm }
\score { <<
   \new Dynamics \repeat unfold 6 {s4\p s }
   \new Voice {\clef alto
     \repeat unfold 3 { \mark "rehearsal"  a,4 a' a' a' \break } }
   \new Dynamics \repeat unfold 6 {s4\pp s\f }
   % \new Dynamics \repeat unfold 6 {s4 s\f }
 >> }

        2217.png  17.5 KB

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