Comment #3 on issue 2259 by Hairpin still hits barline at line break

Below is simple snippet showing actually two problems:
- lack of broken bound padding for hairpin in Dynamics
- lack of broken bound padding for hairpin in Staff if it's below the span bar

As I said already a few times before, padding should be always there, but obviously in case of broken hairpins this padding should be very small (like the one you can see if you add f\> g b\! decrescendo to the right hand). If you think otherwise, then please at least create setting that would allow changing the behavior.

\version "2.15.26"

#(set-default-paper-size "a6" 'portrait)
global = { \key c \major \time 4/4 }
rightHand = \relative c' { \clef treble c1 d  e f g b \bar "|." }
leftHand = \relative c { \clef bass c1 d e f\> g b\! }
dynamics = { s1\p\< s1 \break s1 s1\f \break }

\score {
        \new PianoStaff = "piano" <<
                \new Staff = "up" << \global \rightHand >>
                \new Dynamics = "dynamics" \dynamics
                \new Staff = "down" << \global \leftHand >>
        \layout { }

        broken-hairpin.png  27.9 KB

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