when invoking lilypond with the command line option verbose only a few
closing brackets are printed before the help text appears:

lilypond -dverbose=#t

GNU LilyPond 2.15.24
Usage: lilypond [OPTION]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
For more information, see /…

  -d, --define-default=SYM[=VAL]   set Scheme option SYM to VAL (default:
                                     Use -dhelp for help.
  -e, --evaluate=EXPR              evaluate scheme code
  -f, --formats=FORMATs            dump FORMAT,...  Also as separate
      --pdf                        generate PDF (default)
      --png                        generate PNG
      --ps                         generate PostScript
  -h, --help                       show this help and exit
  -H, --header=FIELD               dump header field FIELD to file
                                     named BASENAME.FIELD
  -I, --include=DIR                add DIR to search path
  -i, --init=FILE                  use FILE as init file
  -l, --loglevel=LOGLEVEL          print log messages according to LOGLEVEL. 
Possible values are:
                                     NONE, ERROR, WARNING, BASIC, PROGRESS,
INFO (default) and DEBUG.
  -o, --output=FILE                write output to FILE (suffix will be
      --relocate                   relocate using directory of lilypond
  -s, --silent                     no progress, only error messages
(equivalent to loglevel=ERROR)
  -v, --version                    show version number and exit
  -V, --verbose                    be verbose (equivalent to loglevel=DEBUG)
  -w, --warranty                   show warranty and copyright

of course one can use  lilypond -V or lilypond --verbose

should this option be removed from the -d options and the corresponding -d
help ?


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