Try replacing the current LSR377 demo code as in the attachment. This file ( includes a linebreak+leftBracket combination, and thus exercises the custos trick. When the break alignment override is corrected the bracket at the start of the second line moves to the right of the key signature. This override was corrupted by for 2.11.23. It is still incorrect despite the update reported today on lilypond-user.

Cheers, Robin

%example of use:
\score{ \relative c'{ \set Score.timing=##f \key f \major
f8( g4 a2 a8-- g4 f8 g4 f g \leftBracket f8[ e] f4 e2 f4 e2  
g4. a8 bes2\rightBracket a4  g a bes16[ a g8 a bes] c2 \bar""\break  
\leftBracket bes8[ a] g4 bes a2 g8[ a bes c a] \rightBracket bes2 
a4.\( bes8\) a4 g g8_-[ f16 g] a4 g f g2) g8([ bes a g a bes]) }
\layout{ \context{ \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } }

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