lilypond-4 wrote:
> Status: Accepted
> Owner: ----
> Labels: Type-Defect
> New issue 2180 by beams are detached from stems
> \version "2.15.24"
> \header { texidoc = "
> Beams must always be attached to its corresponding stems,
> even in complicated multi-voice situations.
> Here is a counterexample.
> " }
> \relative c' {
>    \clef treble \key d \minor \time 3/4 <<
>      { \voiceOne d'8 r8 cis8 r8 r8. a'16 } \\
>      { \voiceThree e,8.[ d16] e8.[ g16] f8.[ e16] } \\
>      { \voiceTwo s2 s8 s16 cis'16 } \\
>      { \voiceFour a,8 r8 r4 r8. a16 }
>    >>
> }
it seems only to happen with dotted rests (with a spacer rest or a pitch
there's no bug)

vA = { r8. a'16 }
vB = { f8.[ e16] }

\context Staff <<
  \new Voice = "1" \relative c' { \voiceOne \vA }
  \new Voice = "3" \relative c' { \voiceThree \vB }

produces no error message

doing the same with \voiceTwo and \voiceFour gives this message:

"Programmierfehler: minimise_least_squares ():  Nothing to minimise
This means that vertical spacing is triggered
before line breaking"

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