On Thu, 29 Dec 2011 20:09:12 +0100 (CET)
Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> wrote:

> >>>> Most accidental uses of other encodings can't be confused with
> >>>> valid UTF-8 characters.  Maybe we could produce an error message
> >>>> that is informative enough to help the user resolve the problem
> >>>> on his own?
> >>
> >> I don't think this is possible.
> > 
> > Why?
> How will you discern intended and unintended input?  Additionally, due
> to FontConfig providing a fallback mechanism for missing characters,
> you normally don't get warnings if you are getting a `strange' letter.

Actually, I get a warning with both Lilypond 2.14.2 and the current git
version.  I'm using 64-bit Fedora 16.  The file is attached (I'm not
sure it would survive if posted inline). The message could be improved,
but it does mention UTF-8.

$ lilypond detache.ly 
GNU LilyPond 2.15.24
Processing `detache.ly'
Interpreting music... 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
(process:31829): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to

programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+FFFFFFFF,
file /usr/share/fonts/lilypond/CenturySchL-Ital.otf continuing, cross
fingers programming error: FT_Get_Glyph_Name () error: invalid argument
continuing, cross fingers
programming error: Glyph has no name, but font supports glyph naming.
Skipping glyph U+FFFFFFFF,
file /usr/share/fonts/lilypond/CenturySchL-Ital.otf continuing, cross
fingers Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `detache.ps'...
Converting to `./detache.pdf'...
Success: compilation successfully completed

If there is no such warning for some users, I would consider it a bug
in Lilypond.  But we haven't heard any details from the original
reporter yet.

Pavel Roskin
\version "2.14.2"
\paper {
  % change for other default global staff size. 
  myStaffSize = #20
         lilypond -dshow-available-fonts blabla
     to show all fonts available in the process log.  

  #(define fonts
    (make-pango-font-tree "Times New Roman"
                          "Nimbus Sans"
                          "Luxi Mono"
     (/ myStaffSize 20)))
{ b1-\markup{\italic {détaché}} }
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