On 11-10-22 03:33 AM, pls wrote:
Am 22.10.2011 um 07:16 schrieb Colin Campbell:
I'm not sure what sort of error to look for, Patrick. When I run your file on
my system, I don't see any errors reported on the console, either from
musicxml2ly or lilypond itself. The resulting .ly compiles with only one error:
the lack of any graphic output, by way of .pdf or .ps. Is this the error you
are reporting?
Hi Colin,
hm, there aren't any errors reported from musicxml2ly but when I try to compile
the file with v2.15.14 I get:
Interpreting music... Bus error
With v2.15.15 I get:
Interpreting music... Segmentation fault
resulting in a lack of graphic output!
Ah, I was running lilypond from Frescobaldi, and didn't see the
segmentation fault message in the console pane. Running from CLI gives
me the same out put as you.
I've added Issue 1985
<http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1985>: musicxml2ly:
group-symbol none leads to bus error to track this.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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