On Sat 17 Sep 2011, 14:52 Patrick Schmidt wrote:
> Hi Reinhold et al.,
> this is how musicxml2ly works at the moment:
> 1) if XML: <work-title>bli></work-title> --> LilyPond: title = bli
> 2) if XML: <movement-title>bla</movement-title> --> LilyPond: title = bla
> 3) if XML: <work-title></work-title> (empty) AND 
> <movement-title>bla</movement-title> --> LilyPond: title = bla
> so far so good, but
> 4) if XML: <work-title>bli</work-title> (non-empty!) AND 
> <movement-title>bla</movement-title> --> LilyPond: title = bli
> So any information in a <movement-title>-element is lost in the conversion 
> with musicxml2ly when the .xml-file also contains a non-empty 
> <work-title>-element. I tried to change the code in order to reach something 
> like the following (but never managed to meet all 4 demands):
> if XML: <work-title>bli</work-title> (non-empty!) AND 
> <movement-title>bla</movement-title> --> LilyPond: title = bli; subtitle = bla
> How can I say this in python?
I've added this as 1913:

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  Bug Squad                                             -- Jeff Garbers

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