On 15/11/2010 10:54 PM, Patrick McCarty wrote:
Hi Julien,

On 2010-11-15, Julien Rioux wrote:
On 15/11/2010 2:59 PM, Patrick McCarty wrote:
Compiling with debug flags*might*  help to narrow down the issue.  The
easiest way to compile without optimization is by running autogen.sh
like so

   ./autogen.sh --disable-optimising

I have done this now, and get the problem again, with little more
information on screen. Attached is a log of the output on the
terminal. I don't understand this output but hope it might help.

Hmm, the only important difference I see in your logs is this:

-Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting module): #<srcprops ((breakpoint . #f) (line . 
602) (column . 58) (filename . 
+Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting module): #<unknown-type (0xb0227 . 
0x74726170) @ 0xb68ef940>

These types of errors are very similar to those I've been encountering
when compiling against the development version of Guile (1.9).

I've never seen them with Guile 1.8 though...

Next step is compiling guile, I guess.

Yes, I think that would be the best thing to do.

Hopefully we will figure this out soon!


After dumping guile 1.8.7 provided by the official ubuntu repository, I downloaded, compiled and installed the latest stable guile 1.8.8 and recompiled latest lilypond git. I still get the failure.

I simplified the test case by taking lilypond-book out of the process. The attached contains two lilypond snippets which compile correctly with independent calls

lilypond -dbackend=eps snippet-1.ly
lilypond -dbackend=eps snippet-2.ly

, but combining them in a single call with

lilypond -dbackend=eps -dread-file-list snippet-names.ly

exits with an error when processing the second snippet. It's as if some state has changed inbetween processing the two snippets, and the parsing goes awry on the second one. This happens with other examples as well, and on another ubuntu machine. Sometimes I get a segfault, but most of the time lilypond just quits with the error, although the file is valid lilypond code. Whatever I have tried, I can't make it to compile the two snippets.

$ guile --version
Guile 1.8.8
Copyright (c) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 
2008 Free Software Foundation
Guile may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence;
certain other uses are permitted as well.  For details, see the file
`COPYING', which is included in the Guile distribution.
There is no warranty, to the extent permitted by law.

$ lilypond --version
GNU LilyPond 2.15.12

Copyright (c) 1996--2011 by
  Han-Wen Nienhuys <han...@xs4all.nl>
  Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org>
  and others.

This program is free software.  It is covered by the GNU General Public
License and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it
under certain conditions.  Invoke as `lilypond --warranty' for more

$ lilypond -dbackend=eps -dread-file-list snippet-names.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.15.12
Processing `snippet-map.ly'
Processing `safe-mode-crash.lytex'
Layout output to `snippet-1.eps'...
Converting to `./snippet-1.pdf'...
Layout output to `snippet-1-1.eps'...
Converting to `./snippet-1-1.pdf'...
Writing snippet-1-systems.texi...
Writing snippet-1-systems.tex...
Writing snippet-1-systems.count...
Processing `safe-mode-crash.lytex'
safe-mode-crash.lytex:12:21: error: GUILE signaled an error for the expression 
beginning here
\fret-diagram-terse #
Wrong type argument in position 1 (expecting module): "Table of Contents"
/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.15.12/scm/fret-diagrams.scm:886:17: In procedure 
string-split in expression (string-split definition-string #\;):
/usr/local/share/lilypond/2.15.12/scm/fret-diagrams.scm:886:17: Wrong type 
argument in position 1 (expecting string): #<unspecified>

Attachment: safe-mode-bug.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

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