On 11-09-13 09:29 PM, Nick Payne wrote:
Ok, the following small example reproduces the error on my system with
\version "2.15.11"
\language "english"
fingering = {
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(up)
\override Fingering #'avoid-slur = #'inside
\override StrokeFinger #'avoid-slur = #'outside
\relative c'' {
<as-1-\rightHandFinger #2 >16( b)
If I get rid of the right hand fingering then the error goes away, and
if I comment out the override for StrokeFinger #'avoid-slur then the
error also goes away but the log contains the warning:
/home/nick/lilypond/examples/test.ly:14:13: warning: Ignoring grob for
slur: StrokeFinger. avoid-slur not set?
-\rightHandFinger #2 >16( b)
Nick, one of our developers is working on Bezier range calculations:
there is an open tracker item
<http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1784>) which sounds
like your problem.
Colin Campbell
Bug Squad
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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