Dear bug auditor, This bug concerns Lilypond 2.12.3. It may affect later versions, I have been unable to test this. When I add an empty set of lyrics to a voice with \addlyrics, the compiler gives the following warning: warning: cannot find Voice `vSoprano' when in fact the problem is that the Lyrics expression is empty
Why I think this could be a problem: I was typesetting a song in parts, and I'd made some dummy variables for the verses I had yet to enter. This warning cost me half an hour as I tried to figure out what was wrong with how I defined the Voice's name. Desired behaviour: a warning like "Warning: skipping empty lyrics" would be more appropriate, I think, especially as that is indeed what seems to happen. (See example below. Verse C appears right under verse A.) Kind regards, Sietse Sietse Brouwer <begin tiny example> %Lilypond problem: inaccurate warning when lyrics are empty verseOne = \lyricmode { This is verse A } verseTwo = \lyricmode { } % empty verse verseThree = \lyricmode { This is verse C } \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff = "upper" << \new Voice = "vSoprano" { a b c' d' } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vSoprano" { \verseOne } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vSoprano" { \verseTwo } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vSoprano" { \verseThree } >> } <end tiny example> <begin output transcript> GNU LilyPond 2.12.3 Processing `' Parsing... Interpreting music... warning: cannot find Voice `vSoprano' \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vSoprano" { \verseTwo } Preprocessing graphical objects... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 1 page... Drawing systems... Layout output to `'... Converting to `./bug.pdf'... <end output transcript> _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list