
Thanks for raising this, but it is a known problem, see

Do actually need different scores to have different


----- Original Message ----- From: "Patrick Karl" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 3:26 AM
Subject: Setting staff size for individual scores

Reading the documentation in Notation:4.2.2: Setting the staff size, one thinks that one can set the staff size for all scores in an input file by using the set-global-staff-size function, or one can set the
staff size for each individual score in an input file by using the
layout-set-staff-size function.   Then comes the "Known issues and
warnings" subsection: |layout-set-staff-size| does not change the
distance between the staff lines.

I find that a little confusing. How can layout-set-staff-size change the staff size without causing the distance between the staff lines to change? It appears that all layout-set-staff-size does is choose the
font(s) that would be needed for the specified staff size without
changing the staff size at all.  One can produce some really ugly
engraving with, e.g., the following snippet:

music = \relative c' {
        a b c d e f g a
\score {
        \new Staff {  \music }
        \layout { #(layout-set-staff-size 60) }

On the other hand, the following snippet produces beautiful engraving:

#(set-global-staff-size 60)
music = \relative c' {
        a b c d e f g a
\score {
        \new Staff {  \music }
        \layout {}

So, I guess my question is: if set-global-staff-size can change the
distance between staff lines to match the fonts chosen, why can't
layout-set-staff-size do the same?  Or, alternatively, why does
layout-set-staff-size even exist if it can't do that?


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