The automatic positioning of Slurs and PhrasingSlurs that both either start or finish on the same note is not very good. See below. Commercial scores that I have where this happens position the two slurs so that they don't intersect or touch, as in the second bar where the PhrasingSlur has been tweaked so that it doesn't intersect the slur:

\version "2.14.0"

offsetPhrasingSlurPos =
  #(define-music-function (parser location offsets) (pair?)
       \once \override PhrasingSlur #'positions = #(lambda (grob)
`(,(+ (car $offsets) (cdar (ly:phrasingslur::calc-control-points grob))) . ,(+ (cdr $offsets) (cdr (cadddr (ly:phrasingslur::calc-control-points grob))))))

\relative c'' {
    \time 3/4
    c16\(( d) e f g8\) c,8 d16\(( c) b a\)
\offsetPhrasingSlurPos #'(0.3 . 0) c16\(( d) e f g8\) c,8 \offsetPhrasingSlurPos #'(0.3 . 0) d16\(( c) b a\)


<<attachment: test.preview.png>>

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