Comment #3 on issue 1482 by \caps and \smallCaps don't work with \fromproperty

This problem comes from the font you are using in your markups. There are currently no native small-caps capabilities in the default font for markups (Century Schoolbook from the PS font suite), which means that LilyPond can't typeset it from \fromproperty. If you choose a font that has small caps, then you should use the command \fontCaps instead of \smallCaps and you'll get the result you're after.

Alternatively, you can make a slightly more involved function to get the result you're after with the default font:

#(define-markup-command (frompropertysmallcaps layout props symbol smallcaps)
  (symbol? boolean?)
  (let ((m (chain-assoc-get symbol props)))
    (if (markup? m)
(interpret-markup layout props (if smallcaps (markup #:smallCaps m) m))

\paper {
 line-width = 80\mm
 bookTitleMarkup = \markup {
   \column {
     \fill-line {
       \line { \sans "Sans" }
       \line { \caps "Caps" }
       \line { \smallCaps "SmallCaps" }
       \line { \italic "Italic" }
       \line { \bold "Bold" }
     \fill-line {
       \line { \sans \frompropertysmallcaps #'header:title ##f }
       \line { \caps \frompropertysmallcaps #'header:title ##t }
       \line { \fontCaps \frompropertysmallcaps #'header:title ##t }
       \line { \italic \frompropertysmallcaps #'header:title ##f }
       \line { \bold \frompropertysmallcaps #'header:title ##f }

\header {
 title = "Title"
 tagline = ##f

\markup \null

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