Comment #1 on issue 1750 by Documentation suggestion: transposition resulting in triple accidentals
The real-world example to this issue. \version "2.15.3" melody = \relative des'' { des4 bes ges es as2. as4 } \score { \new Staff { % \key es \minor \time 8/4 % Original: \melody \transpose e fes \melody %{ This should result in "eseses ces asasas fes beseses", which is of course impossible. obviously Lilypond just leaves these notes as they are , giving the inconsistent result. The warnings about "more than two flats" are results of this, but unfortunately these warnings don't refer to line numbers ... %} } } Attachments: enharmonic-error-test.preview.png 2.7 KB _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list