%% DynamicTextSpanner inside a Dynamics context are shifted to the left
%% if there is a Pedal inside another Dynamics context.
%% That leads to really poor output of the DynamicTextSpanner, which
%% are shifted left (compared to when they are well aligned without the
%% pedal) and so colliding with the bar line.
%% This is really an issue for every piano score (using the Dynamics
%% context, i.e. centered dynamics and pedal on a horizontal line).

\version "2.15.2"

\score {
    \new PianoStaff <<
      \new Staff = "up" {
        \clef treble
        \repeat unfold 48 c'4
      \new Dynamics = "dynamics" {
        \repeat unfold 2 {
          s1\cresc s1\f s1\dim s1\p
      \new Staff = "down" {
        \clef bass
        \repeat unfold 48 c4
      \new Dynamics= "pedal" {
        \repeat unfold 4 {
          % comment the pedal and the DynamicTextSpanner are well
          % aligned in the Dynamics context above!
          s1\sustainOn s1\sustainOff


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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