On 11-06-09 09:58 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:
On 11-06-09 04:27 PM, Stefano Cucuzzella wrote:
if in a polyphony you try to put a trill spanner on the lower voice,
it´ll not
work and it´ll keep showing the trill spanner above the staff. How
can that be
Many thanks!
bug-lilypond mailing list
Would you have a Tiny example of code which produces the problem,
Colin Campbell
Bug Squad
Stefano replied off-list with the following:
\version "2.12.3"
\relative {
<< { d2 ~ d ~ d4 ~ d8 r8 s2 s2 } \\
\override DynamicLineSpanner #'padding = #-12.0 %%that doesn´t
work either
\pitchedTrill c4_\startTrillSpan bes \pitchedTrill b4_\startTrillSpan ~ c b2
~<< b2 ~ {s4 s8. s16_\stopTrillSpan}>>
b2\startTrillSpan ~<< b2 {s4 s8. s16\stopTrillSpan}>>}>>
I believe that what he wants is something like this:
\version "2.12.3"
\relative c' {
{ d2 ~ d ~ d4 ~ d8 r8 s2 s2 }
\override Voice.TrillSpanner #'direction = #DOWN %% this is the part you
need to change
\pitchedTrill c4_\startTrillSpan bes \pitchedTrill b4_\startTrillSpan ~
c b2 ~
<< b2 ~ { s4 s8. s16_\stopTrillSpan } >>
\override Voice.TrillSpanner #'direction = #UP %% and here we put the
trillSpanner on top again
b2\startTrillSpan ~ << b2 { s4 s8. s16\stopTrillSpan } >>
Hope this helps, Stefano!
Colin Campbell
Bug Squad
A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind
that startled us.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)
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