"Nels Daily" <dailymusici...@gmail.com> wrote in message
%%% > I'm not top posting. %%%
%%% Begin example %%%
\version "2.14.0"
\relative c {
\time 7/8
\set Timing.beatStructure = #'(2 2 3)
\clef bass
r4 bes,8 r bes[ r r] bes r r4 bes8[ r r] bes4 bes8 r bes[ r r]
%%% I cannot get the beams to extend over TWO rests. %%%
When I compile the score you're provided, the manual beams extend over two
rests as it appears they should. Are you expecting the autobeamer to beam
over rests? In the Notation Reference it say "the autobeamer will not put
beams over rests".
Phil Holmes
Bug Squad
bug-lilypond mailing list