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Comment #3 on issue 1658 by pkx1...@gmail.com: Doc: need documentation of \cueClef and \cueDuringWithClef

First part pushed as ffd9d60d597d14bef71efed7b623ab4a93efb12

Need to do \cueClef now...

From Reinhold:


 Second Draft

I also just want to check with Reinhold as all I have done here is document
\cueDuringWithClef function (as that is what is in the Reg tests).

So is there an explicit \cueClef command that would be used in a different
and should we be bothering to document that or not with an example?

Yes, there is a \cueClef command, which I actually intended to be an internal function (together with \cueClefUnset) for the \cueDuringWithClef. As it turns out, however, it has some real-world use if you want to add cue notes explicitly
rather than quoting some other voice.

Here's a simple example:
\version "2.13.60"

Solo = \relative c' {
  c4 c c c |

  % Manually written cue notes, not quoted from another lilypond voice:
    { \voiceTwo R1 \oneVoice }
    \new CueVoice
      \cueClef "bass"
      c4 c c c |
  c4 c c c |

\score {
    \new Staff \Solo

The other snippet that might be added is to show how the cue-clef can be changed
to be printed after the barline rather than before:

\version "2.13.45"

instrument = \relative c' {
  \repeat unfold 40 { c8 }
\addQuote "instrQuote" \instrument

Solo = \relative c' {
  c2 c |

  % Change the break-align-orders of the score so that cue-clef comes after
  \override Score.BarLine #'space-alist #'cue-clef = #'(minimum-space . 1.0)
  \override Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders  =
    ##(( ;; end-of-line:
         left-edge cue-end-clef ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar
         key-cancellation key-signature time-signature cue-clef custos)
       ( ;; unbroken
         left-edge cue-end-clef ambitus breathing-sign clef staff-bar
         key-cancellation key-signature time-signature cue-clef custos)
       ( ;; begin of line
         left-edge ambitus breathing-sign clef key-cancellation
         key-signature staff-bar time-signature cue-clef custos))

  \cueDuringWithClef #"instrQuote" #UP #"bass" { R1 }
  c2 c2 |

  % Revert back to default
  \revert Score.BarLine #'space-alist #'cue-clef
  \revert Score.BreakAlignment #'break-align-orders
  \cueDuringWithClef #"instrQuote" #UP #"bass" { R1 }
  c2 c2 |

\score {
    \new Staff \Solo

I'll add both snippets to the regtests a little later.


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