On 11-05-30 05:06 AM, lilyp...@googlecode.com wrote:
Comment #17 on issue 1633 by philehol...@googlemail.com: pdf utf-16be
breaks doc compile
As Graham knows, I'm working my way through make doc, working out what
it does and how to reduce the volume of information. The simplest way
to debug this sort of problem is first to try make doc &>
../MakeDoc.txt, then cd .. and grep -e 51d288d6 MakeDoc.txt. If this
doesn't provide enough info, then make -d doc also provides make debug
bug-lilypond mailing list
Still tracking this one down. the make doc &>../MakeDoc.txt gave a
different, but still fatal error, so I rebuilt everything, ran it again
and got the original error.
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