"Simon" <sa...@sendmail.cz> wrote in message news:loom.20110512t153901-...@post.gmane.org...
I'm not top posting.

Playing with different staff sizes, I came across an erroneous output of the treble clef in staff size 18. The head of the clef is somehow filled as shown by
this minimal example:


\version "2.12.3"
upper = \relative c' {
 \clef treble
 \key c \major
 \time 4/4
c d e f

\score {
 \new Staff = "upper" \upper
 \layout {#(layout-set-staff-size 18) }

I have no idea what causes the problem. Using Debian squeeze here. Thanks a lot!


It's perfect on Windows, and I do recall some oddity of this sort which depends on the viewer. Your PDF shows badly on Windows, though. Can anyone else reproduce the problem?

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

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