On 3/19/11 4:18 PM, "Wim van Dommelen" <wi...@wanadoo.nl> wrote:

>> I'm not top posting.
> I found some weird behaviour in music disappearing when adding a lyric.
> This is the smallest I could get the problem reduced to:
> \version "2.13.54"
> \score {
>         \new Staff {
>                 \relative g' { g1 }
> % as soon as the next line is commented in the piece truncates,
> % when commented out we see more notes appearing
>                 \addlyrics { milk milk }
>                 \relative g' { c2 g }
>                 \addlyrics { su- gar su- gar }
>         }
> }
> Not too sure ifnthis counts as a real bug, nor how serious it might be. When I
> did something wrong please accept my apologies.
> On the whole I'm very content with Lilypond, keep up the good work !
> Regards,
> Wim.

You've got the lyrics in a sequential block with the music, rather than in a
parallel block.

\new Staff {
     \relative g' {g1}
     \addlyrics { milk }
     \relative g' { c2 g }
     \addlyrics { su- gar }



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