2011/3/20 Frédéric Bron <frederic.b...@m4x.org>:
> Another strange thing: although outside-staff-priorities seem to not
> have changed between 2.12 and 2.13 (I compared define-grobs.scm),
> there is something strange:
> I have an example where OttavaBracket, text markup and Tempo mark get
> inverted although using the same code. Try to compile the following
> snippet with 2.12.3 and 2.13.54 and you will see that the vertical
> layout is not in the same order.
> \layout {
>        \context { \Score
>                \override MetronomeMark #'padding = #0
>                \override MetronomeMark #'outside-staff-priority = #200
>        }
> }
> \relative c' {
>        \tempo "ROMANZE" 4 = 66
>        \ottava #1 c''1^\markup { "clar. 2" } \ottava #0
> }
> By the way, is it possible to find in the doc. a list of all default
> outside-staff-priorities?

I would suggest you to send your (3) reports in several messages with
appropriate subjects to  bug-lilypond@gnu.org .
So they could be added to the tracker and then eventually fixed.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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