Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Critical Regression
New issue 1565 by Changing staff with manual
beaming can give very long stems
In the code below, the music in the left hand changes from the bass clef
line to the treble clef line. The quavers are manually beamed. There is a
key sign with 6 sharps and the notes have naturals. In this case, the
beamed stems stretch to below the system under their proper system (In my
real example, they actually go even further, to the top of the system below
that). This does not happen in 2.12.3 and was introduced between 2.13.51
and 2.13.52.
\new PianoStaff
\new Staff = "PianoRH1"
\key fis\major
\time 4/4
\repeat unfold 4 { b'1 }
ais'2 \voiceOne fis'8 ( [ a8 dis'8 fis'8 ) ] \oneVoice
\repeat unfold 14 { b'1 }
\new Staff = "PianoLH"
\clef "bass"
\key fis\major
\time 4/4
\repeat unfold 4 { dis1 }
a,2 \voiceFour d8 ( [ fis8 a8 \change Staff = "PianoRH1" d'8
) ] \change Staff = "PianoLH" \oneVoice
\repeat unfold 14 { dis1 }
LongStems2.13.52.png 17.9 KB
LongStems2.12.3.png 18.1 KB
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