Comment #13 on issue 1555 by Multiple warnings concerning staff-affinities

I'm confused, so could somebody clarify:

1. if
  \new Lyrics \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = ##f }
is required to get good spacing and/or no warnings, do we have a very good reason why this isn't the default?

2. assuming that we have such a very good reason, is it possible to automatically detect cases in which ##f would be better? Like "if a Lyrics context is attached to a Chord context, lilypond automatically sets #'staff-affinity = ##t for the Lyrics" ?

I'm not entirely comfortable saying "it's a mistake to write your lyrics without setting \override blah #'staff-blaf == ##t". I'm not saying that I wouldn't accept that answer if people assure me that it's impossible to have sensible defaults and/or more intelligent code... but I'd like such assurances.

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