On 27 February 2011 12:00, flup2 <phili...@philmassart.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> It seems that Lilypond from 2.13.47 has problem including some text fonts
> (at least on my OS X installation).
> Some fonts work (Courier Neue, for instance), other do not work (Courier, or
> many others including Mididesign font like Sonora or Controla). I deleted
> the lilypond font cache and the fontconfig cache, but nothing change. The
> only way is going back to 2.13.46 release (no problem with that release).
> Console gives me that message :
> Sortie mise en page vers « test_font.ps »...ERROR: Unbound variable:
> file-name
> Here is a little example.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \header{title = "test police"}
> \relative{
>        c' d e_\markup{Aa} f_\markup {
>    \override #'(font-name . "Sonora")
>      { Aa A A AThis text is in Vera Bold }
>  }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%

Fwd: to bug-lilypond.  :)


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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