I still don't see this in tracker, so i'm bumping it.
I attach original code, and below is probable explanation.


2011/2/12 Jan Warchoł <lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com>:
> I think i have an idea how to explain this bug.
> I suppose it happens because LilyPond is not aware that the dot is in
> voiceTwo context (and therefore lower than usual).
> compile this:
> { g'4.*1/32 d''!32 g'4.*1/32 e''!32 }
> { \voiceTwo g'4.*1/32 \voiceOne d''!32 \voiceTwo g'4.*1/32 \voiceOne e''!32 }
> In the upper line, the first accidental (on d'') is too low to move
> left (it would collide with the dot). The second accidental (on e'')
> is high enough to be moved over dot. Everything fine here.
> Now in the second line the music is the same except that dotted notes
> are in lower voice. This makes the dots move down, they are a whole
> staffspace lower. However, Lily fails to notice that, and engraves the
> naturals exactly like in the upper line.
> cheers,
> Janek

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