----- Ursprüngliche Mitteilung -----
> > It's actually simpler than using utf-16be.   All that is needed is to
> > use escape sequences instead of the accented characters.   E.g. I
> > would need to use "\362" instead of "ò".
> That's another encoding, PDFDocEncoding (documented in the PDF
> reference).

Thanks, I had alreay found that.

> > Unfortunately, I haven't found a scheme/guile method to create those
> > escape sequences from a utf8 string (I don't even know exactly which
> > escape sequences these are!   At least they are none of the usual
> > utf8 representations).
> I suggest to consequently use UTF-16BE (including surrogate support)
> which can be easily converted from and to UTF-8.

How can I do this in guile? A Google search didn't return any useful results 
(except a proposal from years ago).
In particular, I must only output the strings of the DOCINFO section as 
UTF-16BE... So, it can't be a port-specific setting, but only effective for one 
print command.


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