Comment #9 on issue 1229 by Notes on ledger lines with stems pointed away from the staff overlap clef and staff ends in tight layouts

There is *not* actually a patch that makes Lilypond produce the desired output by default.

Proposed desired behavior:
Notes and articulations should not move above prefatory items, nor above bar-lines
(Text indications, however, should be allowed over prefatory items)

We could try this in versions after 2.13.48:
  \layout { \context { \Score
    \override NonMusicalPaperColumn #'skyline-vertical-padding = #2.0
and see if it does what we want. If it affects too many situations, we can reserve the space for specific items that need it, like TimeSigs.

(Lyrics are spaced like notes, so the override above prevents them from going under barlines unless they are spaced vertically away from the staff.) (One regression test, ‘’ accidentally depends on this bug; it needs an indent=#0.)

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