"Keith OHara" <k-ohara5...@oco.net> wrote in message news:op.vo9syj0ekr5sjt@ohara...
On Mon, 13 Dec 2010 14:34:43 -0800, Graham Percival <gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 10:26 PM, Keith OHara <k-ohara5...@oco.net> wrote:
P.S. I would be easily capable of this patch once I figure out git:

I hope that you have read

Dear BugSquad,
The code causing this behavior appeared with git commit "Fix #94. Added support for extraNatural" so the behavior I dislike would have first appeared in 2.10.3. Fixing issue 94 was in the same part of the code, but is logically distinct. Issue 94 concerned where to place cancellation accidentals, not which ones to place.

% extraNatural (controlling naturals before noteheads) and
% printKeyCancellation (affecting groups of naturals before key changes)
% should act independently.
% If the KeyCancellation is printed, as by default, it should contain
% a natural for d and g.
\version "2.13.43"
\relative c''{
 \set Staff.extraNatural = ##f
  \key cis\minor des1 \bar "||" \key des\major

% Examples Debussy Claire de Lune (Peters Edition 1904)
% Chopin Op10 No6 (Klindworth, Bote&Bock 1880;
%     Hermann Scholtz uses same notation in Peters 1880)



You say this appeared in 2.10.3. In which stable release was the behaviour correct?

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

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