Comment #2 on issue 1131 by markpolesky: Spacing bug with above lyrics
Lyrics above a staff attach to the staff above, not the correct staff below.
First, a gentle reminder to always include a \version line in the bug-tracker. Future syntax changes affecting the posted file are easier to get with convert-ly if we already know the --from version. This is not a code bug. Non-staff lines above a staff need \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #DOWN I suppose this could be better documented. I recently moved the mention of this from a @knownissues block to the prop description for staff-affinity in NR 4.4.1 (see "Within-system spacing properties"). Where are some other good places to mention this in the docs? - Mark \version "2.13.40" \paper { system-system-spacing = #'((padding . 15)) } \score { << \new Lyrics = above \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup #'staff-affinity = #DOWN } { s1 } \new Staff { << \new Voice = "t" { \voiceOne \repeat unfold 25 { c''4 d'' e'' f''} } \new Voice = "b" { \voiceTwo \repeat unfold 25 { c'1 } } >> } \new Lyrics = below { s1 } \context Lyrics = above { \lyricsto "t" { \repeat unfold 100 \lyricmode { top } } } \context Lyrics = below { \lyricsto "b" { \repeat unfold 25 \lyricmode { bottom } } } >> } Attachments: 1131.png 15.5 KB _______________________________________________ bug-lilypond mailing list