On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Julien Rioux <jri...@physics.utoronto.ca> wrote:
> I've found a strange behaviour using lilypond-book --safe on a lytex file:
> With multiple snippets each containing one \fret-diagram-x markup command,
> compilation works for the first snippet but fails on the next one. Then if
> you run lilypond-book --safe a second time, it will successfully compile the
> second snippet but fail on the third, etc.
> I attach a minimal example file and the log of the error on first run of
> lilypond-book --safe. The same file compiles perfectly without the --safe
> switch. I am assuming that \fret-diagram-x markup commands are allowed in
> safe mode. Minimal trials with lilypond -dsafe have led me to believe that
> this should work.

Are you compiling LilyPond from scratch and using Guile 1.9, by chance?

The reason I ask is because I have seen these <srcprops ...> errors
many times with my testing of Guile 1.9 with LilyPond.

If you're using Guile 1.8, I'll have a look at this again, since I
can't reproduce with Guile 1.8 and latest LilyPond git.


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