Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Other

New issue 1302 by RalphBugList: time engraved twice when starting with an acciaccatura

% resulting pdf not OK: time (=5/4) is engraved twice,
% the 'b' at different positions for the staffs
%  the acciaccatura is betwwen the time marks

\version "2.12.3"

voiceA =        { \relative g' { a4 } }
voiceBwithAcc = { \relative b, { \acciaccatura d8 d4 } }

\score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
               \new Staff { \time 5/4 \key d \minor \voiceA }
\new Staff { \time 5/4 \key d \minor \clef bass \voiceBwithAcc }
       >> % EndePino staff

% without \acciaccatura ... everthing is OK
voiceB =             { \relative b, {  d4 } }

\score {
       \new PianoStaff <<
               \new Staff { \time 5/4 \key d \minor \voiceA }
               \new Staff { \time 5/4 \key d \minor \clef bass \voiceB }
       >> % EndePino staff

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