On Sun, 03 Oct 2010 03:12:38 -0700, bug-lilypond-request wrote:

Check the first two systems on the second page of the following score:
\repeat unfold 80 { <c'''-1 e'''-3 g'''-5> c' <c,-1 e,-3 g,-5> c' }
Perhaps skylines should not be taken as literally as that, but padded
out somewhat.

Do you mean padded out sideways, or vertically?

The 2.12.3 output is not terribly different, and just a slight increase in 
padding solves (to my standards) the issue pointed out.
 \paper {
   between-system-spacing =
     % Bump up padding from 1 to 2 staffspacings; others are defaults for 
     #'((space . 12) (minimum-distance . 8) (padding . 2))
 \paper {ragged-bottom=##t}
 \repeat unfold 80 { <c'''-1 e'''-3 g'''-5> c' <c,-1 e,-3 g,-5> c'}

What bothers me is when things don't quite line up vertically, such as on the 
first page if we ragged-bottom.  Then the fingerings collide in 2.13.35 (but 
2.12.3 was fine).  Image attached corresponding to the input above.

Bug squad,
I put my default padding suggestion in a comment to issue 1290 (created from 
the original report)
I don't know if the collision in my attached image is what David Kastrup really 
meant, the same bug, or a different bug.

<<attachment: collision_similar_1290.png>>

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