Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium

New issue 1293 by lilypond-book should use "quote" environment of LaTeX (instead of "quotation")

Reported by ncdallmann,

I always get a bad layout using the quote option, because it uses the 'quotation' environment in LaTex, which implies an indention of the first line in LaTex. This causes in all my documents and in a 'clean' example, the first line of my lilypond-examples to be indented without adjusting the line-length. But Lilypond should set the indentation, not LaTex. So I think using \begin{quotation} ... \end{quotation} is a bad choice. In my opinion the quote environment should use \begin{quote} ... \end{quote}.

Original example:

c'4 d' e' f'
g' a' b' c''
d'' e'' f'' g''
a'' b'' c'''2
c'''4 b'' a'' g''
f'' e'' d'' c''
b' a' g' f'
e' d' c'2

I've attached proposed change (as a diff) and two images.

Attachments:  369 bytes
        test-quotation.png  11.3 KB
        test-quote.png  11.3 KB

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