"David Kastrup" <d...@gnu.org> wrote in message
Check the output of the following:
test = { c-1-^ r f-2-^ r c-3-^ r f-4-^ r c-1-^ r f-2-^ r c-3-^ r }
\score {
\repeat unfold 8 { \test \test r
\transpose c c''' \test \transpose c c''' \test r }
\layout { ragged-bottom = ##t }
It is clear that on the first page, the \layout parameter ragged-bottom
is ignored (or the first page would have, well, a ragged bottom and a
vertical spacing similar to the packed last page).
It is also clear on the second page that the vertical spacing is going
overboard in compressing the page, partly intermingling the systems.
Since it does not make sense to compress only the last page like that,
the vertical spacing should, when ragged-bottom is not ##t (to get a
valid regression test independent from the first problem, remove the
layout line), not compress the resulting page beyond its page-breaking
estimate, in order to get output spacing consistent with the layout of
the previous pages.
David Kastrup
It would seem that there are a number of spacing issues with 2.13.35 and as
a result I opened http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1285.
Joe has responded to that to say that he's reverted the git code to the
2.13.34 behaviour. Will this fix your issues? If so, we don't need to
worry further. If not, it would be helpful to produce a summary of the
issue and test material so that a further issue can be raised.
Phil Holmes
Bug Squad
bug-lilypond mailing list