#'extra-offset does *not* affect vertical nor horizontal spacing, so it
does not save vertical space. we have to disable the collision first so
the dynamics don't take vertical space and then move it for aesthetical
purposes, so the valid example should be (after a native english revision):

I don't really understand this. That is the example above simply moves a dynamic such that it doesn't 'hang down' as lower as it did before.

Sure this in and of itself will help reduce the spacing?

This example is stating that #'extra-offset affects vertical spacing but simply by using this 'tweak' you are moving an 'object' such that it no longer hangs down as much and so take less overall vertical space.

not exactly. extra-offset does not affect spacing. the title of the top
section is "4.6 Fitting music onto fewer pages", but the hint is invalid
for this purpose.

if you are getting an extra page just because the \f in the example (and
this happens often), using extra-offset won't decrease the vertical spacing
and you will keep getting that extra page. the spacing engine still counts
the extra space taken by the \f as it was before the tweak, and the next
system will be placed exactly at the same position, not closer (at least in
2.12 it surely does).

so the hint as it is now confuses the user which tries to fit music onto
fewer pages (at least it confused to me).

thanks and greetings,


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