On Tuesday 07 September 2010 14:49:16 (GMT) you wrote:
> Replace it by
>   \override TimeSignature #'X-offset =
> #ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self
> (on the same one line) and the code compiles and give the correct
> result without errors.
Thanks a lot Xavier,
Sorry for the code, my mail client cuts the lines itself...
In my code : http://shadylane.fr/files/testmeter.ly everything is on a single 
Here's the output with 2.12.3 : http://shadylane.fr/files/test-2-12-3.pdf 
and the one in 2.13.32 : http://shadylane.fr/files/test-2-13-32.pdf 
Look at the placement of the bar numbers and rehearsal marks...
Sorry by advance if I did'nt understand your reply!
PS : Sorry Xavier if you receive this mail twice (forgot to click on "reply to 

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