On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 11:30:58PM -0700, Paul Scott wrote:
> I'm getting a seg. fault with 2.13.32.  I haven't got the exact
> cause yet but one variable is that I only see the fault when I add a
> second \new Staff in a StaffGroup.  I have two parts based on the
> same score which both succeed when I delete the second staff.  I
> have also attached a verbose output.

I have reduced the problem to the presence of a \tempo command:

\version "2.13.32"

    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff << 
          %The following line causes a segmentation fault
          \tempo \markup\bold{ Andante } 
          \time 6/8 r4. dis4. 
      \new Staff << { R2. } >>

I'm copying this to the bug list.


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