Comment #6 on issue 1041 by Output suffix for score
should be documented
For James Lowe.
Hi James,
I've attached an updated Section 3,1 as an OpenOffice document which I've
attached here.
The edited highlights are:
New para at the end of 3.1.1
"Remember that even in a file containing only a \score block, it is
implicitly enclosed in a \book block. A \book block in a source file
produces at least one output file, and by default the name of the outfile
produced is derived from the name of the input file, so will produce fandangoforelephants.pdf (or
fandangoforelephants.png, depending on the the backend you specify when
invoking Lilypond).
However, if you wish to use lilypond-book to process your file, you must
explicitly code a \book block.
(For more details about \book blocks, see the next two sections and File
Section 3.1.2 Multiple Scores from a book
Paragraph beginning "However, if you want multiple output files..." moved
and extended to new section 3.1.3 Multiple output files from one input file.
Section 3,1,3 Multiple output files from one input file
"If you want multiple output files from the same .ly file, then you can add
multiple \book blocks, where each such \book block will result in a
separate output. If you do not specify any \book block in the file,
LilyPond will implicitly treat the full file as a single \book block, see
File structure.
When producing multiple files from a single source, Lilypond ensures that
none of the output from any \book overwrites the output from a preceding
\book from the same file.
It does this by adding a suffix to the output name for each \book which
uses the default file name derived from the input source file.
The default behaviour is to append a version-number suffix for each name
which may clash, so"
New example section here
"\book {
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\score { … }
\layout { … }
} "
"in will produce eightminiatures.pdf,
eightminiatures-1.pdf and eightminiatures-2.pdf."
New section
"3.1.4 Output file names
Lilypond provides facilities to allow you control what file names are used
by the various back-ends when producing output files.
In the previous section, we saw how Lilypond prevents name-clashes when
producing several outputs from a single source file. You also have the
ability to specify your own suffixes for each \book block, so for example
you can produce files called eightminiatures-Romanze.pdf,
eightminiatures-Menuetto.pdf and eightminiatures-Nocturne.pdf by adding a
\bookOutputSuffix declaration inside each \book block."
New example section
"\book {
\bookOutputSuffix “Romanze”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\bookOutputSuffix “Menuetto”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\bookOutputSuffix “Nocturne”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
"You can also specify a different output filename for a \book block, by
using \bookOutputName declarations. You could produce files called
Romanze.pdf, Menuetto.pdf and Nocturne.pdf like this:"
New example
"\book {
\bookOutputName “Romanze”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\bookOutputName “Menuetto”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
\book {
\bookOutputName “Nocturne”
\score { … }
\layout { … }
3.1.5 File Structure
UpdatedSection3.odt 20.8 KB
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