"Helge Kruse" <helge.kruse-nos...@gmx.net> wrote in message news:loom.20100706t155232-...@post.gmane.org...
Since the documentation says that only two notes tremolos I think this is a
feature request and not a bug.

I need to write a piece with a tremolo like fast repetition. But since
there are three notes in this repetition, the
 \repeat tremolo n { x y }
doesn't work. How can I achieve such notation?

Minimal example:

\score {
  \new Staff {
   \time 3/4
   \repeat tremolo 2 { b8. c' }
   \repeat tremolo 3 { b8. c' d }


Please post this question to lilypond-user where there are likely to be more people able to help.

Phil Holmes
Bug Squad

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