I am using Mac OS X 10.5.8 (if this matters)

\version "2.13.21"

%%%% This example below doesn't crash but doesn't 
%%%   show last 2 full rests either

 \relative c {
  \time 3/4
  R2.*11 \bar "||"

showLastLength = R1*2

%%%% The example below causes a crash in LilyPond but not if 
%%%% you comment out \compressFullBarRests

MusicOne = {
  \time 3/4
  R2.*11 \bar "||"

showLastLength = R1*2

\score {
   \new Staff {

The message in the log is

Processing `/Users/james/Desktop/Tiny_Example.ly'
Interpreting music... 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Interpreting music... 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Solving 1 page-breaking chunks...[1: 1 pages]
Drawing systems...
programming error: Spanner `MultiMeasureRest' is not 
fully contained in parent spanner. Ignoring orphaned part
  R2.*11 \bar "||"


I discovered this while typesetting 3 different movements 
for one piece (hence I have 3 \score {\new 
Staff}} entries and it wasn't until I hit the second 
movement that I started to get the crash.


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