On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 12:15:49AM +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> Am Freitag, 28. Mai 2010, um 20:04:41 schrieb Carl Sorensen:
> > The first question is: Does the 2.10.33 ouptut match what is asked for from
> > the music, i.e. a text crescendo starting on the first note, and ending on
> > the second note.
> > In my mind, it's probably best to *not* print the cresc.
> Uhm, in a 100+ pages score it is much worse if anything is left out, because 
> you will NOT  see it from the output.

I agree.

> In my eyes, the strict solution would be to stretch the two notes so that the 
> whole "cresc" can be printed and ends on the second note.

I suggest a new property along the lines of whatever \fatText (or
\textLongOn or \whateverItsCalledNow...) used.  Don't make it a
\command; just add a property like whatever the renamed \fatText
command used

> So, I would print the "cresc" (even though it goes beyond the second note), 
> but print out a warning, too.


Could a Bug Squad member summarize the past 3 or 4 emails for the
tracker item?

- Graham

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