Marc Hohl wrote:
> Yes, I knew that, but I found other sources with one more
> squiggle, which looked more pleasant to me - but that's my
> personal opinion.

Why not have the option for both?  You could set up
something like:

\override Score.BarLine #'segno-style = #'default
\override Score.BarLine #'segno-style = #'alternative

Then you wouldn't have to add any new syntax to the \bar

>> 3) again in the bar-line interface docstring, if
>> @code{...} isn't inside its own set of parentheses
>> "(@code{...})", @samp{...} is better.  However, glancing
>> around I see that none of the other docstrings do this,
>> so maybe that should be addressed separately.
> So I must not change anything, do I?

Right.  Leave it alone for now.

>> 4) do you need to make a regression test?
> I did; see input/regression/ - or do you
> mean this isn't necessary?

Sorry.  I did `git apply' and forgot to do `git add' so I
didn't see it there.

>> 5) you should also mention this in changes.tely
> Ok. I also dropped a line about the tablature changes.
> Perhaps this is too little but I think this should be
> addressed to in another patch, if necessary.

My preference is to keep things like that in a separate
patch.  It makes the git history easier to navigate.  I
would remove the tab stuff from this patch.

Lastly, you're patches contain whitespace errors.  I've set
up vim to remove trailing whitespace with every write, but
you could run `scripts/auxiliar/' on your
files before you commit them, if that's easier.  What editor
are you using?

- Mark


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