> I'm not top posting.

Lyrics above a staff attach to the system above that staff.  This was
tested with lilypond version 2.13.14, git revision:

% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

%% This demonstrates that lyrics above the staff attach to the system
%% above, instead of the system it belongs to.  This would appear to
%% be a bug.

\version "2.13.14"

\include "english.ly"

\paper {
  #(assq-set! between-system-spacing 'padding (* 1 cm))

\score {
    \new Lyrics = above {s1}
    \new Staff {
        \new Voice = "t" { \voiceOne \repeat unfold 25 { c''4 d'' e'' f''} }
        \new Voice = "b" { \voiceTwo \repeat unfold 25 { c'1 } }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "b" \repeat unfold 25 \lyricmode { bottom }
    \context Lyrics = above \lyricsto "t" \repeat unfold 100 \lyricmode { top }
Michael Welsh Duggan
bug-lilypond mailing list

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