On 4 Feb 2010, at 04:59, Stan Sanderson wrote:

I just tested it on my PPC 10.5.8 with Lily 2.13.10. It was a relatively short .ly file, but there were no errors reported.

Tested what?

My apologies if it wasn't clear that I compiled a .ly source file using Lilypond 2.13.10 without moving anything out of the way. I did this from the Terminal, since I thought you were referring to that method of invoking Lilypond.

It worked without problems before I updated guile and gmp in /usr/ local/. Then I noticed I could make it work again by changing the name of local.

I realize that this hardly qualifies as a test. If my experience is unique and others are experiencing the problem you mentioned, then it is my system which needs attention.

It can be very hard to find out exactly what is causing the problem.


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