Hi! So, overriding font-name in markup increases font-size.
To be sure that this is not a problem of different fonts, i've "made pango-font-tree" with a single font, AntiquaPSCyr, which is definitely unique in my system (i mean i have the only copy of this font, in one place, with the only definition set). Then i try to override font in the title, text script and \tempo. The result -- different font sizes :O( When i use default fonts and "New Century Schoolbook Bold" for override, i have the same result. I've attached two images. Well, i use \setOurFont here, but using \override #`(font-name . "AntiquaPSCyr Bold") gives the same result. % -----------8<----------------------------- \version "2.13.11" ourFont = #"AntiquaPSCyr Bold" #(define-markup-command (setOurFont layout props markUp) (markup?) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:override `(font-name . ,ourFont) markUp))) \header { title = \markup \concat { "Testing" " " \setOurFont "Testing" } } \relative c'' { \tempo \markup "Moderato" c_\markup { \bold "script" } c c c \tempo \markup \setOurFont "Moderato" c_\markup { \setOurFont "script" } c c c } \paper{ paper-height = 4.5\cm paper-width = 12\cm #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "AntiquaPSCyr" "AntiquaPSCyr" "AntiquaPSCyr" (/ 20 20))) } % -----------8<----------------------------- Well... As usually, i can miss and/or mess something easily. Please, masters, correct me, if i am wrong; this is a problem for me because i've just started to use my own font overrides in scores :-) Thanks! -- Dmytro O. Redchuk
<<attachment: Antiqua.png>>
<<attachment: SchoolBook.png>>
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